Hello, my name is Leif Watkins. I recently graduated from PSU (Portland State University) with a BS in Data Science and a minor in Computer Science. It was during my time there that I cultivated a deep passion for coding. I'm thrilled to share this passion with anyone eager to learn. (CS410 exploring fractals is an amazing and super fun and approachable course if you know C, that PSU offers check it out!! Dr. David Ely instructs it and is one of the best teachers I and in my time at PSU)
I currently reside in Portland, Oregon – a city known for embracing its quirks and uniqueness. It's a place where community thrives, offering a space for everyone. Here, I can freely express my idiosyncrasies, and instead of judgment, I find acceptance and celebration for being my authentic self. It's this sense of belonging that I hope to foster in this space.
This blog is a safe space where all are welcome, and any form of hate will not be tolerated. It's a platform for learning, exchanging ideas, and discovering something new together.
My fascination with fractals dates back to my high school days in Albuquerque, NM, the home of the Santa Fe Institute – an academic think tank exploring theoretical mathematical and scientific concepts. The University of New Mexico's research on fractals likely contributed to the Museum of Natural History in old town ABQ proudly housing the world's only 3-D fractal zoom (though I'm not certain if it still holds this distinction)! ( www.nmnaturalhistory.org/events/first-friday-fractals )
If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend checking it out! They host "Fractal Friday" on the first Friday of each month, and tickets tend to sell out, so plan ahead and secure them online. The event features two shows: one delves into the mathematics behind each fractal, explaining their production and properties, while the other offers a mesmerizing fractal zoom set to music. It all unfolds within a large white geometric dome, with seats inclined towards the dome, creating an immersive experience that truly makes you feel the "zoom".
I've always have loved math. It never ceases to amaze me that we can calculate our distance from shore based on just a couple of angles and knowing a distance on one side of the triangle. (Please bear with me on any spelling errors – my brain tends to lean towards math, and spelling has always been a weaker point for me. Feel free to point them out, and I'll gladly make corrections!)
However, it was after my first fractal zoom that I became utterly captivated. To this day, it astounds me that a fractal can have an INFINITE perimeter with a convergent or definite area. It's like having a backyard fence that stretches to infinity, yet you're always within your neighborhood! This brings to mind the Jewish word "Olam Katan," which translates to "small world" or sometimes "tiny universe" in English.
When I zoom into a Mandelbrot set, I get a profound sense of a miniature Universe. Each node of the "snowman" shape represents the genesis of a new world, a universe unto itself. (www.hebrew4christians.com/Scripture/Parashah/Summaries/Pinchas/Olam_Katan/olam_katan.html)
In the coming posts, I'll be sharing content about the fractals I'm exploring and researching. I'm also interested in computational neuroscience, so you might come across posts influenced by this field. While my current focus is on Mandelbrot sets and will likely remain so for a while, I do have knowledge in programming other fractals and will create content about them as time goes on. Please let me know if there's something specific you'd like to learn about. If it's a new topic for me, I'm always eager to dive into a new rabbit hole especially a fractal kaleidoscope one. And if I'm already familiar with it, I'd be delighted to share what I know!
You can expect a mix of code and explanations, along with images, and maybe even some hand drawn illustrations when needed. Speaking of which, here are a couple of images to pique your curiosity and excitement! I'm truly looking forward to connecting with you all and exploring one of my greatest passions together. And remember, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Let's embark on this journey of discovery and zoom into the Fractal Realms together!!
This is really fascinating! Can't wait to learn more about what you find!
Looking forward to your writing Leif, I am a fellow fractal fan :)